Special Offer
Enjoy Sunday's check in benefits, or start your business week earlier and enjoy
Comfort double room for double or single use including the best breakfast in the city on Monday morning
Free Parking on Sunday in front of the Hotel entrance
Ticket for the City Museum Ljubljana, just few steps away from the hotel on Sunday afternoon
€100/single use, 119€ for 2 people in the room. (Double or twin)
Tourist tax 3,13€ per person per night is not included in the rate above.
Valid until March 31st, 2023
General terms and conditions:
- A minimum three-day advance booking is required.
- Possibility of early check-in and late check-out (until 2:00 PM): depending on hotel capacity and availability.
- Check for updated prices and availability on the book now button (hotel website).
- The price includes VAT, which currently amounts to 9.5%. Tourist tax is not included in the price.
- Package availability depends on hotel capacity and availability.
- To avoid cancellation costs, cancellation or modification of booking is possible up to three days before arrival.
- The General Terms and Conditions applicable to the offer are available.